Thursday, March 22, 2007

Return to Blogging

Hello world, I know you all have been waiting for me to return to print blogging after at least five months. Life got busy and complicated and I just stopped blogging, and I got hooked up with Youtube and that has taken up my time on the laptop. I have been planning to give all my devoted fans a running account of daily events on the planet, but life got diverted to other things, and some stuff I hoped to record around the first of 07 got halted. James Brown died and Yvonne DeCarlo died, and Anna Nicole Brown died, and Darlene Conley (Sally Spectra) died, and the Bears were diverted from their deserved glory (the Shuffle is on Youtube), and Saddam got his necktie party, and the winter has been miserable and very expensive--with very expensive airline holdups and lots of ice related powerline collapses, and some awful midwinter tornadoes (eight kids killed in a high school in Enterprise, Alabama), and the War is dragging on into its 5th year. Hillary and Obama keep returning to Iowa (she is due back next week), and W and Congress are still at war with one another. I suppose that the details of all this and other recent events can be read in any recent news magazine. Anti-war demonstrations have started around the country, and we seem to be back in the mid-1960s again minus the hippies and the race riots, but they may return--but I hope not.
I have gotten hooked on utube videos, even though I probably cannot afford the bill for the hookup, but I am amazed at what is on video. Besides Boom goes the dynamite, and Numa Numa, and the kid who lipsyncs Al Jolson, and the cute kittens and the cute baby sloth, I have found loads of groovy opera videos and music(Woodrow Wilson's daughter's recording of the Star Spangled Banner), and the other night I found several TV kinoscopes of Patsy Cline singing, and even the movie short Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe. And loads of videos of foreign singers(including several Oom Kalthum videos). So, now the world world is online in video. There are still mass quantities of people blogging in print, so the human race is online to meet. If we could stop wanting to kill each other in person.
So, I am back blogging. I hope I can get into a routine of doing this on a more regular basis, and not let months go by without offering anything to the world. Hopefully my life will stay organized and stable, but as Mama said to Eunice, "Well, welcome to Earth, Eunice!"
For the historical record, My Name is Earl just came on the air(Earl and Randy rescue Catalina in Mexico). In the last blogging in Nov. I mentioned that Castro was at the door of death, but in late March he is still alive.
So, you all do your things, and keep waiting--for I will return with more blogs. Di di mau.

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