Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Blog After a Bears De Feet

Hello there, fans and devotees. It has been a while since there has been a blog from us here in the middle west, but I know you have been waiting patiently. I started a long blog a couple of nights ago and had it about ready--and hit a wrong button and wiped out the whole thing. This is a new and revised blog. The Bears got beaten by the cursed Patriots in a very exciting 4th quarter, and the announcers in the Fox booth got into a trashing of how bad Grossman had been all season (after they spent all season trashing Orton), but the Bs still have a good win record this season, so life goes on. I should look up how the Bs did in 1947--that may have been a bad year also; I like to have a head full of Bears lore.
Betty Comden and Anita O'Day(one created great music and one sang great songs greatly)both passed away last week. There has been general chaos and mahem in Iraq; the su's and shi's have been killing each other is mass quantities. One of the Gemayels in Lebanon was assassinated (memories of the civil war in the 80's). Kramer gave out with some racial slams at a comedy club, and Hugo Chavez says that he is going to bring down the US. Lots more stuff has happened since the last blog, but Drudge has the record of world events on his site, and I have a load of news websites bookmarked, to look into when I have a lot of time to go through them, maybe when the first blizzard in the heartland snows us in. It has been hazy and fairly warm here all weekend. I know this summary of world events will not really inform my readers of what has been going on, but sometimes human doings whelms me. Last night Kasick on FoxNews had Dennis Miller give a little talk at the end of K's show and Miller weighed into the Dems for playing around with issues such as minimum wages, and not doing what they should be doing--which is defending the country from the next terrorist attacks. I am finding it interesting that the mainstream TV media have done nothing yet with the news about the Indian engineer working for the Air Force who may have given our secrets about how the stealth bomber is built to the Chinese. Oh yes, there is all the news about the Russian spy in England who died very painfully from some kind of radiation pill slipped into him; the news at first was he had been fed poisoned sushi. I need to look into this story more deeply than I have had time to do this weekend. It was 43 years ago this past Friday that JFK was shot, and the date seems to have passed by the news media--maybe because so much stuff has been happening right now. Oh yes, the Aggies beat the Texas 'Horns Saturday--no comments about going to the Chicken Ranch.
I had a good time with the family on Thanksgiving, and we had ham and buffalo and sweetpotato pie, among other tasty rations.
Friends, I am going to wind up this blog for right now, even though all I have done is rehash some news briefs I think are interesting. Must go to work in the early morning, even though my body clock still seems to be out of sync after a holiday off last Thurday; maybe the dark nights of November have something to do with this. Anyway, you all take care. Di di mau!

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