Saturday, March 31, 2007

Whining in the Rain

March '07 is ending with rain and wind and gloom in the central midwest. Sunshine and heat and flowers and summer fun are going to arrive some time, but not today. Not a day of utter misery, but dreary enough for one to want to stay in bed and unwind from a hectic week. So, that is about what I did today--rested and unlaxed much of the sunless day. (One guy in town was blown 40 feet across his yard by a wind gust.) Am currently watching an ESPN show on the career of Joe Louis. I did not know a whole lot about him, but am finding out a lot of things. In about an hour after the local news is over, I may go back to bed again. This does not seem like the kind of stuff to send into cyberspace for the whole wired world to read, but that is what the genuine me is currently about(I know--a sentence ended with a prepo.) And I am drinking some kind of Chinese tea with a rooty flavor (Rose Tuocha). It is an interesting type of tea. As of this moment no one knows how the Iranian-British hostage situation is going to develope. According to FoxNews there may not be a full-scale war out of the situation. There is some idea that there are enough fed-up Iranians to overthrow Nejad and create a peaceful Iran. There was that kind of fleeting hope in the 1930s concerning the Germans and Hitler, but things did not work out that way, and the Cubans did not toss out Castro in the early 60s, either.
I did try to listen this afternoon to the Met Opera performance of Egyptian Helene, a Richard Strauss oddity that it was hard to get into, as all the singers sang in German and I could not see what they were doing onstage. A convoluted Weimar-era musical experiment by Strauss. Deborah Voigt did try bravely to sing the lead role.
This is going to be all for right now, dear readers. I hope to have some world news upon which to report tomorrow, when I have checked on what has happened around the world. (The local news broadcast just said that at least 150 people were killed in a town in Iraq in one car-bomb blast.)
Di di mau, friends.

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