Thursday, June 05, 2008

Rage Rage O Summer Winds

The center of Iowa has been getting tornadoes and 3" rain storms all afternoon and into the night, and large hail. And the weather people are predicting that we will get thunderstorms every day for the next week. This is apparently going to be the Summer That Wasn't if we do not get some dryness. I do not know what is going to happen to the crops out in the fields. I am not going to go into the political events of the last few days, except to record that BO has clinched the nomination for the Dems, but HRC has not conceded yet, but the latest prediction is that she will drop out of the race this weekend. I may have more to record and opine upon in a later blog entry. In all the news from the last week or so no one remembered to let us know that Dick Martin passed away on 24 May. Rush Limbaugh told a bizzare little story today that his cat got into bed with him and chewed on his toes one night. A couple of days ago I found a video of Born Yesterday--Judy Holliday and Bill Holden. I had never seen the original BY and was curious to see it, but it was dated and too dark to be a Comedy. And I am just not a Judy Holliday devotee. But watching her play a "dumb blond" I detected a sadness in Judy that may not have been acting. Maybe the real Judy was what was we were seeing. I know this is a rambling blog entry, but it has been a long night of watching the regional weather forecasts. I spent some time tonight adding a bunch of political and news websites to my Favorites, and watched some utube videos of Piaf in concert and some other European singers from the 20s and 30s (Missinguett, M. Fogg, Eva Busch, et al). And I have piled on my desk books on James Madison, the flu epidemic of '18, and a history of the '18 Armistice. Maybe at least one person on earth who reads blogs will be interested in knowing what I am trying to educate myself by reading. I have read very few books over the last 20 years, when I dropped away from reading, but I am beginning to open a few books and begin my self-education again. This is going to be all for right now, so you all take care. Di di mau!

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