Monday, June 02, 2008

June Summer Evening in the Heartland

Warm summer evening in the Midwest. High humidity which is supposed to preclude the rainstorm we are supposed to get, which we do not need at all. Ames got flooded this weekend, but the place is built on a riverbottom and gets flooded at least every other year. The rivers going through Des Moines are very high and may get out if the next storm is heavy. I guess we have been through all this before. Nothing as bad as Burma or western China. What has happened on earth recently? The Mars explorer has a successful landing on the Martian north pole. The Democrats spent Saturday tring to decide what to do with the convention delegates from Michigan and Florida, and Hillary won the Puerto Rico primary. The people can have a primary but cannot vote in the November election. Very little news commentary or promises by the candidates on changing the political system of Puerto Rico. Tomorrow there are primaries in Montana and South Dakota, and then HRC is due to either drop out of the race or take her delegate situation to the August convention credentials committee. This morning W gave the Medal of Honor to the parents of a 19-year-old GI from Penn, who was killed by covering himself with a grenade in Baghdad, and saved 4 of his buddies in a Humv. Very moving and tearful ceremony. In the last several days the world lost Harvey Korman, Bo Diddley, and Yves St. Laurent. And a 60 year old guy in Ft. Dodge with a stock car pit crew got killed when a tire from a speeding stock car hit him in the chest. And there was a huge pallet warehouse fire at Pella, and Sunday Universal Studios got on fire in Los Angeles. In a few minutes my Monday night comedies will be on CBS; the geeks, Doogie, Charlie Sheen, and Dave Spade. I am going to be boycotting Bill O'Reiley on Fox, after he had an uncalled for meltdown last Thursday night. This is going to be all for right now. I will return in the near future. You all take care. Di di mau!

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