Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Spring, then Winter, then Spring again

It was a wonderful warm shorts and sandals spring until yesterday, when we fell back into the 30s and got a kind of a sleet rain afternoon, and today it is getting warm again. When it gets really cold in Iowa in April people start remembering a bad sudden blizzard we got hit with in 1973, which buried the state in about 2 feet of snow the day after everyone had to get their studded snow tires taken off. So, no one could drive and we were buried for about 3 days and then the sun came out and all the snow was gone in a few days.

I found a tape the other day of the 1972 western The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid, with Cliff Robertson and Robt. Duvall (as Frank and Jessie James.) I had seen a chopped up version of it years ago on late night TV, and had never seen the whole movie. Good movie, but somewhat from the hippie era in its outlook and visuals. Pretty much the same story as The Long Riders which came out a few years later. I should rent that one and watch it again. Not much else going on in reading and movie watching so far this spring. I have a rented DVD of The Ice Harvest with John Cusack I should view tonight or tomorrow. I hope Cusack can shed some of his Lloyd Dobler mannerisms and quirks he had made a career out of over the years.

Watched a segment the other night of a press conference held by Amadinejad gloating about how no one will ever push Iran around. The guy is a serious and dangerous character, but he was in front of a huge backdrop of downtown Tehran, that looked a lot like Letterman's set at the Sullivan Theatre. Hard not to teehee while watching the guy. Probably people had the same feelings watching newsreels of the Kaiser, Hitler and Mussolini.

Fox News had a segment a while ago about the families of the people on Flight 93 watching an advance screening of the movie. I don't think I can watch the movie when it is released. Everything that happened on 9-11 is still too raw to relive. I had the same situation for years when it came to watching films of JFK's funeral. I could not watch the stuff.

(This part is being written later:) One good show on the tube tonight. My Name is Earl was all about him trying to return a stolen police badge to the cop he stole it from. Silly show but funny. I tried to get through Survivor, The O.C., and Supernatural, but could not do it.

Cavuto had some economic honchos on talking about the gas crisis, and they contended that we all will just have to drive less. If you live in DC or NYC you could travel by cab, but the rest of us live in a country 3 thousand miles wide. It might be hard to just sit home and not move around the big spaces in the US.

This is going to be all for right now. More next time. Di di mau!

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