Saturday, April 08, 2006

Bloggin is a cummin in; lude sing cuku

I know that all 20 million bloggers on spaceship earth have been waiting for my next blog entry--and here it is. I started one a few days ago, but never got it finished, so the date on this one may be wrong. It is 11:45 p.m on 12 April right now. I am currently overwhelmed by the current events of the world, and am finally getting over that flu I had for a week or more at the end of March, but spring is finally here, and it may get up to 80 by the end 0f this week, so a certain amount of happiness is due. Iraq and Iran and the Duke U. lacrosse team rape case, and the Mexican immigrant demonstrations are the issues of the week.

There is a mess going on in Iowa right now, involving a number of people who were in charge of a state jobs training agency, who were discovered to have been making very large salaries it did not seem seemly for them to have been making. And this has opened up a lot of Iowa social class and political grudges involving a number of local political figures someone or other has had grudges against for years. The lady at the center of the scandal is a high school dropout with a GED, and several local blue collar and Italian-American politicians are getting slimed, and a local black activist is in on the situation, and it is score-settling time in Iowa, especially since at least one guy at the center of the situation has had people mad at him since some stuff he pulled during the flood of '93. Des Moines has a somewhat irritating social class system, which ever so often comes to the surface. It is now.

In 1749 Lord Chesterfield wrote to his son, telling him to keep himself clean and to dress properly, or he would be a fop at 20, slovenly at 40, and stink at 50. And keep your hair powdered when you go out in public.

I am going to let my fans and readers go to bed now, even though this has been a fairly short blog entry, and it has been several days since I have typed anything. Some time I may pour out all my political and social opinions, and let Everybody have it, but it may turn out that I have opinions and no hard cold facts to suport them, and just have a lot of rants. So, you all take care. Di di mau!

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