Friday, February 17, 2006

Quit Whining or You'll Go Blind

It is 10 below tonight in lovely Des Moines and I am sitting up keeping an eye on my heating system so it does not go defunct in the middle of the night. A guy in Wyoming called KOA in Denver and said it was 25 below where he was. This cold snap is not quite as bad as the awful winter in Iowa in 1856, but it is unenjoyable. Russians supposedly love very cold weather, but I will let them have their little customs and folkways. One time in Nam in '71 the temp fell to 70 and everyone in the Mekong delta was freezing. Make sure your little calves and pigs and parakeets are warm tonight.

Much news today, but a lot of it is covered by Drudge. The old guy who got buckshotted by Cheney put his suit on and held a press conference, and is not mad and seems to be in good shape. CBS last night did a segment on Cheney's custom-made Italian rifle. At least one person on the planet must have said to someone that Lee Oswald also owned an Italian rifle, but so far I have not heard any jokes about that angle of the shooting event. And probably 1800 people were killed in the Phillipines on Leyte when a mudslide wiped out their village.

Disorganized evening this evening in my apartment. Tried to watch some of the Olympic snowboarding, and found a Marx Brothers website that has the lyrics to Lydia the Tattooed Lady. Found a World War I website that had an account I had never known before: the Germans built an electric fence clear across the northern border of Belgium. People fried themselves trying to get through the fence to get into Holland and a Belgian army stuck in Holland could not through the fence to get back into Belgium. Interesting historical account I had never heard of before. Amazing what you can read when browsing websites.

Cartoon riots are going on now in Libya (probably encouraged by Muammar K.) and a mullah in Pakistan has put a million dollar bounty on the head of the Danish cartoonist.

Watched a little of Passions this afternoon.Liz confessed to Julian that she is the one who shot him, before he went on the run with Timmy, and Tabitha has put her magic bowl away and is now using a magic laptop, and her way of pounding on the keyboard is very peculiar. And on General Hospital everyone is still sick from Luke's chimp. I haven't checked out Y and R to see if Jack has discovered that Nick has been boffing Phyllis.

This is going to be all for right now. More next time we blog. Stay warm; spring will be here in a few weeks, maybe. Di di mau!

(Di di mau is Vietnamese for Move out fast, or Let's go.)

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