Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Let's Blog It Nice and Easy

Hello, Steve. How are you?

Ronald Reagan would have been 95 on his birthday, February 6.

We got Snow early this morning, but it was gone from the roads by afternoon. The temp. is supposed to go down to 8 degrees tonight. I am ready for spring already. Please let it be spring soon.

The Grammys are on CBS tonight and TV Guide and the local newspaper say that it is supposed to be a blockbuster, with hoardes of stars on hand, but I do not really want to see Kanye West so maybe I will watch O'Reilly, or Inked to see what Dizzle is up to. Or read some news websites-which might be the most useful for my mind. (A terrorism news website at had a news bit the other night that there is info that Iran is going to test its nuke bomb in March.)

I have opinions on the show at Mrs. King's funeral yesterday, but all I should say is that I did like most of what I saw. (Not one of the people who trashed Bush even remembered that he sent troops to Liberia to get Charles Taylor out of power.)

The Des Moines Register (our state Gannett newspaper) has for 2 days been running the thoughts of various Iowa Muslim spokesmen, who have been explaining that Islam "is a religion of Peace." A couple of these fellows today got around to stating that freedom of the press and other Western freedoms are not a part of Islam, and Muslims do not want any of them, because Islam is based on the Sharia, which is a system incompatible with Western values. So much for the freedoms we have developed since the Renaissance. The Register, which falls all over itself to be understanding of diversity is in a pickle trying to be understanding of a world view that wants nothing to do with individual freedoms in a society.

In 1964 the liberal media fell all over itself to explain that when Goldwater said that moderation in the defense of liberty is no vice he was wrong because liberty was a relative thing and was not absolute. Very interesting reading for anyone wanting to dig into the views of liberals during the 64 campaign.

This is going to be all for right now. I have not watched the Grammys because I have become old and what is today's hot music is beyond me. I wouldn't have thought that some time ago, but I am an old Boomer and just do not get these modern things. Di di mau!

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