Friday, August 22, 2008

Bad Attitude Friday Night

Anyone reading this evening's blog may wonder what my problem is--but I am in a bad mood tonight. Maybe it is due to the warm humid sticky weather we have been having, or the misery in the world the last week (but in 10,000 BC someone in a cave somewhere probably said "Everything has Sucked all week and I'm pissed.") Maybe the problem with the Georgia crisis is that western liberals and conservs can't decide what their official positions should be. Should we tell Putin that we will go to war if he does not pull his army out of Georgia, or should we sit on the side and say that the Russians are just doing what Bush did in Iraq? All these sides were discussed tonight on Hannity and Colmes. Hurricane Fay hit Florida the other day and turned into a massive rain storm all across the state. Pt. St. Lucia is under water with about 6, 000 houses under water. Sounds like the flood in June in Cedar Rapids. but that was from winter snow water coming down the Cedar River. A passenger plane crashed the other day at the Madrid Spain airport and killed 153 people--many of them kids, it turned out. Mussharaf was driven from power in Pakistan, and the country has had a wave of suicide bombings, as has been happening in Afghanistan recently. All today the cable news people have been waiting for Obama to name his VP choice. It may be Biden (a guy I despise, but no one called me asking my opinion.) The Olympics were a mess last night, when the US men and women relay teams both dropped the baton. The US men and women beach volleyball teams won their games, and I found out from the web that the American guy Emmons fell apart in the skeet shooting by screwing up his last shot, as he did four years ago. I have not checked out the weightlifting results, and need to. A professor at the U of Iowa who was accused of 4 charges of sex harrasment has vanished from his home and took a rifle with him and made out his will. It is assumed he killed himself, but his body has not been found. This is really a cheerful blog entry, aint it? And all this is just a small account of what has happened violent in the last several days. A couple of big financial outfits in Des Moines are laying off about 200 people, but Microsoft is going to build a huge server setup on the far west side of town. This is interesting because a year or so ago some local lawyers brought a big antitrust case against Micrsoft, which turned into a shakedown against the company. Getting back to what it is I am Mad about this evening; I am mad at lawyers, liberals, intellectuals, agnostics, Putin, yuppies, Obama. That is enough for right now I suppose. This is going to be all for right now. I will get Happy if I get some sleep tonight, so this will be all for right now. You take care. Di di mau!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nice Wednesday Night at Home

Since I last blogged on Saturday the world has lost Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes. And an electrical worker for Des Moines was electrocuted this afternoon working on a transformer. Phelps is piling up the gold medals at the Olympics. Mark Spitz is mad because Olympic officials have not invited him to go to Peking to congratulate Phelps for winning more medals than Mark did in '72. I will not go into the ongoing details about John Edwards and his bimbo and their maybe love child. The Russians have invaded Georgia the country--not the state. That is an ongoing world crisis no one seems to know how to handle. The Russians took over the city of Gori, which is an interesting thing, because it is Stalin's hometown. Across the street from my pad someone's car is honking like crazy in the parking lot. And the taters are rolling(it's thundering) and is raining like crazy outside. This afternoon some guy who was a Hillary supporter shot and killed the head of the Arkansas Democrat Party in Little Rock and the cops chased the killer for 30 miles before they shot him. Never a dull day on earth. These are just a few of the events which have taken place in the last few days. And I am slowly going through reading a paperback of Trilby I found. A amazingly bad example of the novelists' art or a minor masterpiece. But it is interesting. I know how the movie with J. Barrymore ends, but I think there more in the novel. Will keep going to the end. And then I might blog a book review. We will see. This will be all for now. You take care. Di di mau!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Wild Friday in the World

This has been an exciting day on the planet--not a happy day for a lot of people involved in various events--but jampacked with action. All morning the news was about the war or military action taken by the Russians and Georgians, who are fighting over South Ossettia. At least a thousand people may have been killed so far. And then there was a bus crash in Texas that killed a lot of Vietnamese people when a tire blew on the bus. And in the middle of the afternoon John Edwards confessed that he had a brief affair with a woman staffer a couple of years ago, so suddenly the pundits had to interpret the Meaning of It All. And I took an early evening nap, which meant that I slept through the giant todo of the opening ceremony at the Peking Olympics(I am still using the old name of the city--a relic from the era when I listened to Radio Peking). My opinion of Chinese Communism is not very high, so I slept through the show. The Iowa State Fair is going on now, and I should get across town to it tomorrow or Sunday. I want to see this year's Big Boar and Big Bull and Big Pumpkin. In two days a hundred thousand people have gotten in to the fairgrounds, so the place will be packed this weekend. And I am in a bad mood for no specific reason--it just showed up and I have chips on my shoulder about things that happened years ago and that I can do nothing about now. And last night I got into an arguement with some sarcastic SOB in the comment room of a website I frequent. Poor Me. Oh yes; oil prices are plummeting the last couple of days, so maybe cheap or cheaper gas will appear at the pumps. And somewhat cooler weather is moving into our section of the US. The elevators broke down this afternoon in the Empire State Building, stranding mobs of people in the vators or at the top of the building for about 2 hours. One crazy Friday all over the world in one place or the other. This is going to be all for right now. You take care and I will return. Di di mau!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Havin a Heat Wave

Very hot on this Sunday in the midwest, but not as hot as in Denver and Dallas, which both are at 103 and Dallas may have gotten up to 107. Well, I wanted hot weather when I was whining last winter about how cold and icy it was, and my wish came true. At least we are in an era of history now when it is acceptable to wear shorts and sandals in hot weather as the national uniform, so what am I plainin about? In Des Moines this year we have had a record of 9 murders, something of a local record. Four teenage kids were arrested the other day for killing a guy on the east side of town a couple Sundays ago while he was out on his bicycle. So far no motive has been given except that it may have been a thrill kill. And the news has been covering the story of the guy on a Greyhound bus in Canada who killed another guy on the bus and cut his head off and chewed on it while everyone tried to get off the bus. And in Iraq and Afghanistan there is a thing now for having woman suicide bombers blow up people, and there has been a wave of terror bombings in India, including in silicon city Bangalore. Showing us that age finally catches up with us all, I found a utube video of what disco diva Linda Clifford looks like now, after her days in the 70s when I was one of her dearest fans; she now looks like Divine in Hairspray--swelled up to 250 or more pounds and a wreck of a singing voice. Oh, Linda, what happened? I suppose it is of some newsworthyness that Solzhenitsyn has died at about 90 years old. A number of the TV and website newspeople reporting on him tonight showed that they had no idea what his significance was as a literary historical figure. He was a strange character--who defied the Soviet Union establishment and exposed the horrors of the Gulag system, but he was discovered to have despised the Western system of values, and had no love for the US which allowed to stay over here for several years. A Dostoevsky character, who fitted into no society. These are my personal views on him, and anyone is free to teach me the truth about him. I do remember when he was a Big figure during the 60s and 70s. From reading some blog entries online I have found out that Nancy Parsons died way back in January. The lady who played Miss Ballbricker should have an RIP mention in this blog. This is going to be all for right now; my fingers are getting sweaty and I am having trouble typing, and am not keeping my fingers on the home keys. So, you all take care. Di di mau!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Early Saturday A.M.

Not much of a title for this entry, but here it is. I am up at 2 a.m instead of being in bed because it is Fri-Sat and I am insomnic right now, so why not type an entry? Hot summer day Friday and the same in predicted for several more days. Listened to KOA a while ago and it got up to 103 in Denver and will stay that way in the Rockies probably till the Dems have their convention. The big media political flap now is a GOP TV ad slamming OB for his "messiah" complex and the ad ends with a brief clip of Charleton as Moses parting(with God's help) the Red Sea. The Ds are yelling Fowl about it. No one has any humor any more. And Pelosi adjouned the House at noon for summer recess and shut the lights off in the House chamber while the Republicans were still trying to get an oil drilling bill through. And a govt scientist who was about to be arrested for the anthrax spreading in 01 killed himself. And there have been 9 murders in Des Moines so far this year(a record). Four teenage kids were arrested yesterday for killing a guy last week while he was out riding his bicycle last Sunday morning. There is a new baby giraffe at out local zoo; he weighs 175 lbs after one week. Lots more news in the world, but it is all on Drudge or other news websites. That is the trouble with having Youtube; I spend more time watching videos than reading texts. I have really gotten hooked on finding videos of singers and bands from the 1920s-40s, especially from Europe. All those singers and bandleaders had to have had stories about what they went through willingly or not under Hitler and Stalin. Who collaberated with the regimes and who got tossed in a camp. Especialy the jazz band leaders and singers in '30s Russia. Lots of stuff to research if I can find sources and time to do it. I am going to let all you fans and devotees go to bed now; I should go myself. So take care. Di di mau!