Saturday, November 15, 2008

Winter Weekend in the Dark

Here we are on a dark cold windy Saturday night in mid November. Nothing unusual--it is normal seasonal weather, but the gloom and the economic mess seem to be getting into peoples' heads--everyone seems to be very grouchy, including me. Fox News is doing a series on TV and The Presidency tonight, and is covering the Lewinsky scandal. Actually an interesting show; I had forgotten or not thought for a long time about some of what went on. Busch met with 20 world leaders to discuss the world money crisis, and O is picking his crew and staff. That is the bare summary of events in the last few days. I am trying to come down from the campaign, and have gone into world affairs shutdown, but will come out of it soon. I am not feeling overly healthy and Up right now, and have been having trouble relating to other human beings, but will get back to normal acceptable social behavior soon, I hope. I' better get better. No nervous collapse like I had about 30 years ago. Enough of that! I watched a tape last night of Kings Row, the movie where Ronnie gets his legs cut off and says "Where's the rest of me?" Interesting somewhat daring movie for 1942--a lot like Peyton Place--hidden evil secrets in a pious small town. Like PP KR has too many characters you cannot keep straight, but there is a great scene at the end where Bob Cummings has to tell off Ronnie for laying around letting Anne Sheridan baby him, and Ronnie sees the light and gets fired up to start living. Vintage Ronnie! This docu on Fox is now into Gore and Bush and the campaign of 2000, and it is very interesting, and fair. I hope it gets rerun again so I can tape it. One thing they have not shown is the Snickers commercial with the donkey and the elephant trying to outdo one another on who invented the internet and who still wears his dad's pants and who invented pants. A classic TV political ad, even if the real message was to get you to eat Snickers. This is going to be all for right now; it is getting late or early. You all take care. Di di mau!

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