Saturday, August 02, 2008

Early Saturday A.M.

Not much of a title for this entry, but here it is. I am up at 2 a.m instead of being in bed because it is Fri-Sat and I am insomnic right now, so why not type an entry? Hot summer day Friday and the same in predicted for several more days. Listened to KOA a while ago and it got up to 103 in Denver and will stay that way in the Rockies probably till the Dems have their convention. The big media political flap now is a GOP TV ad slamming OB for his "messiah" complex and the ad ends with a brief clip of Charleton as Moses parting(with God's help) the Red Sea. The Ds are yelling Fowl about it. No one has any humor any more. And Pelosi adjouned the House at noon for summer recess and shut the lights off in the House chamber while the Republicans were still trying to get an oil drilling bill through. And a govt scientist who was about to be arrested for the anthrax spreading in 01 killed himself. And there have been 9 murders in Des Moines so far this year(a record). Four teenage kids were arrested yesterday for killing a guy last week while he was out riding his bicycle last Sunday morning. There is a new baby giraffe at out local zoo; he weighs 175 lbs after one week. Lots more news in the world, but it is all on Drudge or other news websites. That is the trouble with having Youtube; I spend more time watching videos than reading texts. I have really gotten hooked on finding videos of singers and bands from the 1920s-40s, especially from Europe. All those singers and bandleaders had to have had stories about what they went through willingly or not under Hitler and Stalin. Who collaberated with the regimes and who got tossed in a camp. Especialy the jazz band leaders and singers in '30s Russia. Lots of stuff to research if I can find sources and time to do it. I am going to let all you fans and devotees go to bed now; I should go myself. So take care. Di di mau!

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