Wednesday, July 09, 2008

the rain is over the rain is over

The title of this essay is taken from a song by Wm. Billings. Has anyone ever mentioned Wm. Billings in a blog? Probably somewhere at one time. I am right now reading some books on Hamilton, Madison, and Napoleon, so my brain is swimming in the late 1780s and 90s. What has been happening on earth in the last couple of weeks? Obama's plane did not crash the other day, Nadal beat Federer, C. Brinkley and ARod are involved in nasty divorce messes, and of all people ARod was humping Madonna! Estimates are that it is going to take a long time and muy mucho money to rebuild Cedar Rapids and Iowa City after the floods of 08. The Iowa smoking ban has been operating for a week, and since the law was passed with no enforcement provisions till a week before it became official the policy now is that you can call the nonsmoking bureau and complain about smokers. Sounds better than a smoking police, but the thing has a scent of Pavel Morozov about it. ( a communist kid in Russia in the 30s who ratted out his Dad for hording grain. Pavel was a commie youth hero.) It sounds like snitching is now acceptable in Iowa--all in the name of Health. Dodie Goodman died the other day at '92. Several obits on her could not remember what she had actually done. She was on the Jack Parr show years ago, and she played Mary Hartman's mother, and no one seems to have remembered that she played the goofy old lady in Splash who was confused after getting hit by lightning. She was a very good comedian and should have been remembered by the showbiz world. Rush Limbaugh is due to get about 400 million for staying on the air till 2016. The weather has turned summerish after the storms and floods of May and June, and we are now getting 90 degree temps. We wanted summer and we have it now, so there is much complaining about the Heat. Piss and Moan and Whine. I have been busy the last couple of weeks, and spent some time at home with the family. This is going to be all for this blog entry, but I hope to have some more very soon. Since news of the world is to be found on countless other website, I need to do some looking at said sites. The story of the people rescued in Colombia from years of being held by the Farc is getting interesting as what they actually went through begins to be revealed. You all take care, and I will return. Di di mau!

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