Saturday, May 17, 2008

saturday Night Blog

Not a very interesting title for this blog entry, but I doubt that the billions of people on earth will go catatonic over it, or they might. This is the first day in 222 days in the midwest that the temperature has gotten into the high 80s. Nice warm summer weather, but for some reason it still feels like late March is still on us. Teddy Kennedy had "seizures" this morning and was rushed to the hospital. He has been the center of national news all day. I am just not a Kennedy family fan. At one time I thought I was a JFK fan, but I never warmed to Bobby. I know--Jack was the President during my high school years, so there is historical nostalgia of a sort about "Camelot", but I have developed a sourness about the era. And then Ted Sorenson comes on MSNBC with Russert this afternoon to wax nostalgic, and I think TS is an old smug flack anyway. I posted a message to a website somewhere once that the Camelot era was more of the Cleopatra era. Much of the JFK era was the time when that lousy Taylor-Burton was being filmed and there was an unbelievable amount of news coverage given to the whole matter. Like the JFK period, Cleo. was a flawed product. OK, have at me; but those are my views. I missed watching the Preakness this p.m, and did not get to see Big Brown win. Really wonderful horse. Obama is coming back to Des Moines Tuesday p.m. Last news about Teddy is that he is alert and did not have a stroke.
This is going to be all for right now. You all take care. Di di mau!

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