Saturday, October 27, 2007

PreDawn Blog Attack

Ha ha--clever title for this entry. It came from my memory bank of memories of predawn mortar attacks in the Mekong delta way back when. Am up at 5 a.m. after a Friday night sleep session(no partying on Friday night) due to a bad sinus plugup I have had all week. Have spent much of this week with lowlevel flu or whatever it is, and the sky has been dark and gloomy every day, and real winter will arrive some time in the near future, and with all the goofy weather the US has been having we may get a long cold icy and snowy season. That Is Nature, but every fall I get more and more in favor of long warm summers. Wow, this is a cheerful entry. Where is the happiness? I guess I will have to find it or create it.
Have been looking at webnews about the San Diego fire storms of the past week, and found out that at least 270 acres of Ft. Pendleton burned. I was in the San Diego area for a visit in 1975, mostly going up and down the freeways, so what I saw of the area way back then was seen from inside a car, but what the people are going through in the region is much bigger than our disaster in the heartland--the '93 floods. Even if the people involved are very rich and their houses were very expensive, let us forgo any of that sanculotte gunk about how they deserve what they got. I've read a few comments in blog postings saying that--but idiots are a given in the world.
Also, I am spending way too much time in front of the screen, finding interesting websites of a serious information nature. Have been bookmarking local TV station sites, military sites, and US govt sites. I'm still a little rankled at a newspaper article I read relating that some college professors surveyed said that real intellectuals do not look at the internet because it is just a toy for the masses (singling out Republicans, Christians, and teenagers). I am more and more glad that I got far away from the college world decades ago.
After this griping and moaning I have been doing so far, I am going to close for right now. I need to wash my body for my Saturday morning search for something Happy out there in the world, and I will probably look for a few more websites. So, this will be It for now. Di di mau.

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