Monday, October 23, 2006

Cold Monday Night

It is cold tonight and supposed to get into the 20s, and I hope my heating system does not freeze. I have probably done too much whining all ready about the droopy October we have been having so far, but I am at the age where I hate winter and cold temps, even though I know this is just Nature doing her usual stuff yearly.
Have been busy all day and night and have not had much chance to learn what has been happening in the world, so I have a certain ignorance tonight. There is a story about CNN having a video from Iraqi rebels showing them ambusing an American patrol, but I do not have all the details of the matter. Mike Wallace years ago did say that as a reporter it would have been his duty to go on patrol with a hypothetical insurgent group to watch them ambush an American patrol, so this CNN matter would be right up his alley.
I need to go to bed, but I have gotten just recently totally hooked on looking at web newssites to see what is online. I do need to actually shut this machine down and escape from its clutches, but their is always some new site to look at. I found just recently an online edition of an ancient Greek book by Diogenes Laertius called Lives of the Philosophers--about the only accounts we have of the lives of Plato and his cohorts. Did you know that Thales died when he fell off a cliff while star gazing, and one thinker(Periander) threw his wife down the stairs and killed her, and made all the women in Corinth burn their clothes, and the guy who took over Plato's Academy(Speusippus) had lice and was a money grubber, and killed himself after Diogenes the Cynic insulted him one day. And Hericlitus died after he covered himself with cow shit to rid himself of dropsy. Lots more interesting stuff in the book to look up.
I do not know if any of this ancient stuff will help me understand Kim Jong or Nejad, but it is interesting anyway. And now the immigrants in France are rioting, and the Moslems in Britain are raging because the govt wants Moslem women to get out of their veils. One day last summer some neareastern guy and his wife came into a Des Moines Walmart and the woman was in a print burkha with only her eyes exposed. No one in the Sunday crowd made an issue I know of over the twosome, but it was of those things where you wanted to tell the man that since he was in Iowa of all places he should learn to get with the local mores, and get his wife out of her sack. OK, I have made my unPC views known on such matters. Let's go on to something else.
The something else is that I am about to wind up this disorganized blog page, and must now leave my fans and devotees for the night and try to get some sleep. I know that many people have much longer and more detailed blog entries than I do, especially when they are writing about politics, but I just do not have that much this evening. I guess the big news issue of the day was the sudden mania with Obama, who may be running for president, since yesterday, and according to one of Clinton's ex-honchos(Mike Curry), is the new JFK, who can channel all the idealism the masses got from Jack 45+ years ago. Oh.
Di di mau!

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