Saturday, September 23, 2006

Oh Wow, I am back blogging

Hello there! Everyone in cyberspace has been waiting for me to do another blog entry, since I have not blogged since the end of June. Have been busy working and have been having middle aged broodings, and world events seem to have overwhelmed my small-scale thoughts on What Is Going On. Maybe I can get back into the habit of typing a record of What is Happening, every so many days. The last blog I typed I mentioned something about The NYT Mess, and now I can not remember what the Mess was. Since my June 27 entry North Korea shot off some missiles into the Sea of Japan on July 4, and Israel and the Hezbollah had a war in south Lebanon, and Castro got sick and turned Cuba over to his brother, and Chavez and Nejad came to the UN and trashed W and Hugo C. called W "The Devil," and the Pope made some remarks borrowed from a Byzantine Emperor that Mohammed had done some stuff evil, and the Muslims went wild and are still rioting around the world over the comments, and today some Sunnis blew up a kerosene tanker in Sadr City and killed 3 dozen Shiite women, and today there is a rumor that OBL died of typhoid fever a month ago. I guess those are the big major events of the last three months, and suddenly I cannot remember all the other stuff, including who famous died, and what has been going on in showbiz and celebland. I may have to actually go to our city library and dig into Time to see what else has happened Big. Sorry that everything anywhere important in the world has slipped my mind tonight. The 5th anniversary of 9-11 was commemorated with respect, but the ABC movie about 9-11 stirred up a flap by liberals, because it took Clinton and his regime to the woodshed for not paying attention to catching OBL, and tomorrow on Fox will be an interview by Chris Wallace with Clinton, in which Bill looses his temper about failing to capture the maybe late terrorist.
All this stuff happening day by day is reminding me of 1968, when something Big in the world seemed to occur every day and you got every morning to see what had happened overnight.
Chris Wallace should have asked Clinton not why he could not catch Ladin, but why the gov. had been unable to catch Atta and his gang, who had been in and out of the US for at least 2 years, and someone should slash at the Media for spending more time on OJ than the story of the blind mullah and his band in '93, and there should be a story about why so much time was spent in the summer of '01 on poor Chandra Levy.
OK, I am going to publish this blog now, even though I really do not have any incredible insight into what has been going on outside my room. I am just recording what I remember about the last several weeks of history. Di di mau!

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